The diagnostic solution for mining ventilators submitted by AURA a.s. is mainly designed for two ranges of client problems. The first range of problems is the apparently insoluble situation where it is necessary to ensure the maximum safety of operation with minimum costs, the second range of the problem is comprehensively ensuring the functioning of the mining ventilation system.
The first range of problems include, for example, mines in which there is the renewal of the activity, or mines which after stagnation, increase their output due to the increasing demand for coal. It is necessary to ensure the operational safety and, at the same time, there are insufficient financial funds for the comprehensive reconstruction of the ventilation system. Our solution makes the fulfilment of demanding operating criteria easy by equipping the older ventilator with the means for the increase of safety and the reliability of the operation at the fraction of the cost of a new ventilator. The replacement of ventilators is not usually necessary if the newly required safety criteria are fulfilled.
The second group includes an integrated system solution which links the control functions of the ventilator and its auxiliary facilities with the diagnostic system into one unit. This solution is primarily designed for companies directed towards the provision of services in the area of mining activity which ensures deliveries or necessary maintenance and can be easily applied during the complete reconstruction of the ventilation with the delivery of a new ventilator.
In both cases AURA a.s. delivers well established solutions from the viewpoint of respecting the specific environment and the individual requirements of the client.
The equipping of older machines with diagnostic apparatus within the reconstruction of revival processes must fulfil specific conditions related to the necessity of the construction with the risk of the explosion of methane and the resistance of equipment against unfavourable surrounding influences (dust, moisture, high temperature, etc.). The ventilators, as well as all parts of the diagnostic, monitoring and control systems must fulfil demanding criteria. An individual approach to each proposal for the solution is important and is derived from the real possibility for the additional mounting of sensors and measuring methods selected with respect to the actual operating risks of the machine.
Not only the ventilator is equipped with diagnostics, but also auxiliary elements, such as the exciter and electric drive. Due to the fact that the demands for reliability of the operation are extraordinary, the equipment is equipped with a large number of vibration sensors, it monitors the status of bearings, the thermometers are mounted on the cooling circuit of the engine, the winding for the electric drive is equipped with heat measuring sensors, the function of the lubrication circuits is monitored, the oil level is checked, the hydraulic system etc. The system is also equipped with a special sensor for the indication of the operation of the labile part of the ventilator characteristics and the possibility to measure additional values (flow, flow volume) which documents the correct ventilation function.
The basis of the diagnostic system is a modular system MMPS (AURA a.s.). It is a system of independent modules for processing signals from various types of sensors. The program functions also ensure, in addition to the common monitoring of operating values and the generation of warning and stop signals, the parallel collection of fast time courses for further detailed frequency diagnostics and additional analytical functions. The communication interface serves for the transfer of measured values and statuses from MMPS into the control system and for the purpose of remote service, i.e. the transfer of operating and analytical data to the professional service workplace.
The basic idea of the integrated control and diagnostic systems of the ventilator is the minimising of the scope of the input equipment and its repeated use either for the control as well as the diagnostic functions. This means that the monitored values enter into the system only at one point (monitoring) and are locally processed (diagnostics, control) and, if necessary, are shared by internal transfers (statuses, communication). With the local closing of each control and regulation loop, the linkage to the master control system is restricted only to sending the command for the local system and the acknowledgement of the correct function. The important function of the system is the testing of the correct function and the redundancy of the means of transfer corresponding to the requirements of functional and operating SIL security.
The AURA a.s. program solution enables to perform the local display of the system into the clients network in the format for browsing in the standard Internet browser. Communication possibilities include sending SMS messages with the notification of extraordinary statuses for stated operation or maintenance employees.
AURA a.s seeks partners for deliveries and implementation. Due to the professional requirements and time demands for the preparation, there are companies which are interested in long-term cooperation with mining activity objects and the necessary capacities. The condition for the partner is the technical capability of implementation, approach to the end user and knowledge of the local environment. AURA a.s. will provide permanent support during the preparation of the “tailor-made” solution, delivery of equipment, training of employees and consulting activity over the telephone with possible service support.