Sensors of vibration
Measuring devices
Vibration converter C8-USB
Hand vibration meters
MV Data Manager
Universal signal source
Pocket calibrating apparatus
Laboratory charge amplifiers
Referential measuring chain
Operating monitors
Industrial sensors
Control systems of technologies
Communication systems
AI-Tek Instruments
LORENZ Messtechnik GmbH
MEA testing
SMW autoblok
Measuring devicesHand vibration meters - designed for service, inspection and repair of rotating machines such as fans, gearboxes, compressors etc. Measurement methods and units fully comply with European and American standards and norms. UZS universal signal source - for setup and calibration of measuring chains, a wide range of adjustability of charge constant of output amplitude and frequency - for laboratories, measuring departments, service. PSK pocket calibrating apparatus - pocket-sized apparatus for monitoring of devices and vibration sensors, adjustable charge constant, fixed frequency. C4 Laboratory charge amplifiers - precise and highly stable amplifier allows the connection to most types of vibration sensors, a wide range of gain and correction adjustment, designed for laboratories, technical departments, calibration and assembly of measuring chains in industry, schools and research departmants, suitable also for the field measurement. Referential measuring chain - secondary vibration standard. Two-channel vibration converter C8-USB. |
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